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New Non-Executive Director appointed to Board of Anglian Water Services

15 October 2013

Paul Whittaker, Director, UK Regulation at National Grid Plc, has been appointed to the Board of Anglian Water Services with immediate effect.

Chairman, Sir Adrian Montague said: “Paul’s appointment, from an exemplary shortlist of candidates, further strengthens our Board and brings considerable relevant experience, including of regulated industries and competition.  

“In increasing to four the number of independent non-executive directors on our Board, we have equal numbers of executive and independent non-executive directors, which underlines our commitment to high standards of corporate governance.  

“Paul’s expertise and experience will add considerable value to the independent scrutiny of our business.”  

Paul Whittaker said: “I am delighted to be joining AWS at a time of significant change in the industry, and as AWS prepares to submit its next five-year business plan to Ofwat. 

“I look forward to bringing my independent voice to the Board, together with my experience of customer-focussed regulated industries, to help maintain Anglian Water’s performance as a leading customer service business in the UK.”   

About Paul:

• Paul Whittaker has held senior appointments in the gas industry since 1981, including as Director UK Regulation for National Grid Plc since 2006.

• Previous appointments in the industry have included Group Head of Strategy for National Grid (2004) with responsibility for a variety of UK and US financial projects; Managing Director, Nile Valley Gas Company (1997) where he secured a gas transmission/distribution franchise for a large part of Upper Egypt; as well as a project examining the consequences of competition in connections and metering (1994).

• He was awarded an MA in Natural Sciences at Peterhouse, Cambridge.